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Monday, December 6, 2010

Somebody press the pause button please...

Where in the world is the time going these days?! It baffles me that I am at the end of my first semester of my fourth year in college.  It feels like only yesterday that I moved to Ireland for college, and now it is nearly over!  This semester itself feels like it went in the blink of an eye.

Back in September we were given most of our assignments that would be due at the end of the semester and then someone clicked their fingers and it is suddenly the end of November.  Now I'm up to my eyeballs in assignments and presentations and websites and reading, the list goes on and on.  If I was in any way smart I would have done the projects as I was assigned them, but no, typical Shannon leaves them to last possible minute and now is drowning in all her the work.

As if the stress of all this studying and assignments isn't enough, I have to worry about what in God's name I am going to do with my life after college.  I don't know if I want to live in Ireland (especially with the crumbling economy), but I don't want leave behind all the friends I have made throughout the past 3 years.

I wish someone would just press the pause button so all of this will slow down.  I don't feel like I am ready for this all to end and to enter the real world.  I want to go back to an easier, less stress ful time... ERASMUS!  Or even first or second year, when our biggest worry was 'will we go to Silence or Amber??'

I do, however, miss all my friends from home and can't wait to see them all come next June.  It scares me though that they are already out in that real world and working real jobs, and I'm still just in college.  I took a year out after high school before I decided to come to Ireland for college, so they have already graduated.  Meg now runs her own interior design company and is doing brilliantly, Sammy is one step away from being CEO of her familys company, Zildjian, Ally is working at some big accounting firm, and JoJo is in the process of becoming a high school teacher.  And so that just leaves me, who even though I'm about to finish a Marketing degree, am still unsure of what I am doing with my life.  I want to travel and see more of the world before a settle down into a proper job, but the time is ticking and I am definitely not getting any younger.

And as if its not bad enough, I am constantly reminded of how thing aren't how they used to be and there is not so many jobs out there.  I guess I should stop stressing about all of that and worry about what is already on my plate, and that is getting out of fourth year a) alive and b) with a decent mark!!

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