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Monday, December 6, 2010

Mobile Commerce: Smartphones

There are not many places you can go these days without hearing people talk about smartphones and their latest 'apps'.

My first couple weeks into fourth year, all any lecturer talked about was 'apps, apps, the new I phone, and more apps'.  It got to the point that I was convinced that Apple was sponsoring Dundalk IT.

Unfortunately, I am still behind on the times and not as technology advanced as some of my friends and peers.  It is like a little war for who has the best smartphone between my friends.  All they talk about is "Oh do you have that app?" or "Can you pick up the WiFi here?".  They are always the first to hear the latest news from their Facebook app or the first aware that classes have been cancelled by getting their e-mails straight to their phones.  I fell like I am stuck in the stone age when I whip out my laptop to check the same stuff as them!

I get laughed at when I ask someone to Bluetooth me a picture and am told I need to get a BlackBerry so I can BBM or Ping with them.  Its suddenly not as good to simply text someone anymore.

Now that the college has its WiFi set up in some parts of the college (finally, only over 3 months too late) everyone is surfing the web in-between classes, while I sit there twiddling my thumbs.

There is an app out there to help people do just about anything.  From helping them find their car in a crowded car park, to replying to a text with voice detection when driving, to play some fun games, or simply allowing people to visit their favourite social networking site.

As mobile commerce advances from infrared to bluetooth, from voice communication to video communication, one must wonder what will they think of next?

I found a video on YouTube which basically sums up what anyone can see when simply walking down the street.

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